Marilyn Hamilton

Author of Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive. 

Dr. Marilyn Hamilton is the Founder of Integral City Meshworks Inc. and TDG Holdings Inc. Dr. Hamilton leads a practice community using Integral City frameworks and practical tools to support multi-stakeholder groups in transforming their whole city and eco-region into habitats that are as sustainable and resilient for humans as the beehive is for bees. Her Integral City approach incubates transformation strategies for City Staff, Civic Leaders, Civil Society, Entrepreneurs and Community Participants that integrate their contributions with Purpose, Place, Priorities, People and Planet.

As Thought Leader and Project Leader, Marilyn calls herself a “Meshworker”. She leads teams to develop integrated resilience strategies that optimize official city plans and sustainability goals. She aligns multiple capacities with Environmental, Economic, Social and Cultural Capitals. She energizes Community Engagement, focuses Decision Making and designs Dashboards for Monitoring City Performance and Managing Risk.